Mind Body & Spirit

Mind Body & Spirit

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Discover the healing power of more than 180 crystals to improve health and wellness, manifest success and ignite passion in this ultimate guide to mineral magic from Sage Goddess Athena Perrakis. Crystals have been used for centuries around the world to promote wellness, fertility, prosperity, healing and more. After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 38, Athena Perrakis took a deep dive into crystal literature on a quest to heal herself and discovered the profound power of healing crystals. In this A-to-Z compendium of crystal wisdom, she collects their histories, geologies, mythologies and healing capabilities all in one place for the first time. In these pages, you’ll learn: · where each crystal originated in the Earth’s core · the science behind its beauty and magical qualities · how best to use each crystal for healing · its resonance with your chakras and astrology · how to integrate each crystal into your daily routine · rituals for better sleep, manifestation, harnessing the power of the full moon and more With dazzling photography, this book is not only a reference guide but also an oracle to guide your journey, whatever your goal. Simply set an intention, ask a question and then flip through the pages until your intuition tells you to stop. You’ll meet the stone you are being guided to discover. It’s time to unlock the power and wisdom held within the Earth’s sacred stones.
What would it mean to become supernatural? Access the knowledge and tools you need to step outside physical reality and reach extraordinary states of being. What if you could tune in to frequencies beyond our material world... change your brain chemistry to access transcendent levels of awareness... create a new future... and transform your very biology to enable profound healing? This is what Dr. Joe Dispenza offers in this revolutionary book: a body of knowledge and a set of tools that allow ordinary people-people just like you-to reach extraordinary states of being. Dr. Joe, author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on up-to-the-minute research in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to show how this kind of transformation takes place and what it can mean for our lives. In these pages, you'll explore: - How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind - How changing your frequency allows you to create reality in the "generous present moment" - The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality - How to shift your awareness beyond the limited, predictable material world and move into the quantum field of infinite possibilities - And much more Using tools and practices ranging from state-of-the-art brain imaging to exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into a new world. "This is who we really are," he writes, "and this is the future I'm creating-one in which each and every one of us becomes supernatural."
Packed with recipes, detox plans, routines and remedies, Ayurveda Detox will help you cleanse your body of toxins and restore you to your natural state of health and happiness. The ancient principles of Ayurveda, or the 'Science of Life', are rooted in the idea that everything is interconnected: we cannot separate our body from our mind, and we cannot separate ourselves from the world we live in. The concepts of interconnectedness and balance underpin all Ayurvedic thinking. According to Ayurveda, our natural state is one of health, happiness and an inner sense of wellbeing. 'Health' is defined as the body being clear of toxins, the mind at peace, our emotions balanced, our wastes eliminated and our organs functioning normally. Imbalances cause ill-health and make us more susceptible to disease. Maintaining health and preventing disease while coping with the hectic, often toxic world we live in is challenging, but by following the natural cycles and rhythms of the seasons and our own bodies, we can find balance and optimize our wellbeing. Detoxing - essentially removing excess waste - is one of the most important ways we can attain balance and the comfort and wellbeing that go with it. In this book you will learn how to understand your own constitution and use the daily and seasonal cycles of nature to discard waste and toxic build up. You will discover how to boost your own ability to self-regulate based on your specific body type, or in Sankskrit, 'dosha'. With easy-to-follow instructions to help you detox safely at home, Ayurveda Detox is a comprehensive guide filled with plans, routines, recipes and home remedies, to help you achieve your natural state of health and happiness.
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